Issue 2 of Bill Binkelman's Fishing News and Wisconsin Spoonplugger had a headlining article all about color. Questions such as, "Can fish tell the difference?," and "Is there one 'best' color?" were covered in detail, a story that is just as likely to be found in the pages of any good fishing magazine today, over 50 years later. The detailed lake map of the month, courtesy of The Clarkson Company, was of Lake Okauchee, and there was an accompanying story on Ray Schroeder, later to be known as 'The Sage of Okauchee.' A fishing story of a catch by Don Nichols, as well as a Spoonplugging Q&A covered much of the remaining material in this issue, which was again complimentary courtesy of the Boston Store.
Bill's opening commentary covered the importance of reading everything you can on fishing, and building a fishing book library in order to get better. A specific excerpt on Don and Spoonplugging read;
"Don Nichols, whose name you'll see often in this paper, can do things that the average fisherman looks on as black magic. Literally. He's that good. But Don told me once, 'You know, before I go on a trip and after I return, I always re-read BuckPerry's little book on Spoonplugging. Every few months, I swear he's rewritten the thing.' Of course, he hasn't. Don simply means that he gets a new understanding each time he reads it, as his experiences grow. Try it and see. If one of the great fishermen in history isn't too proud to keep studying, we shouldn't be."
Again, advice that is just a relevant today as it was 40 years ago. Anybody new to Spoonplugging should heed Don's words.