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September 13, 2011



How did u build deck

Big Indiana Bass

Tim - I don't have any specifics on how this exact deck was built since the pics were submitted by one of our site readers. It does appear to be very similar in construction to my jon boat, and I have included the specifcs of it below:

The front raised deck was made with 3/4" PT plywood and carpeted. Same carpet attachment method as the rear deck. It is made flush with the middle bench seat and supported up front by a 36" piece of 1/8" L-angle aluminum (1.5" wide) that is bolted to the dropped down aluminum of the very front raised bow again using (5) #12 x 1.5" SS screws up front. The rear has (2) 10" pieces of the same L-angle aluminum spaced to either side of the livewell on the front side of the bench seat and attached the same way, just utilizing 2 screws each.

It was a bit of a chore cutting around and especially carpeting all the little notches required to clear the welded structural brackets on the front of the boat. I thought it turned out pretty well though. The really hard part was trying to make certain that all the attached L-angle stayed level not only from side to side, but also from front to back. That raised deck spans 48" front to back and another 53+" to either side. I'm considering adding a couple more L-angle brackets for more support on either side of the boat/deck. The other option is a vertical piece of the 3/4" PT plywood under the main floor and attached to the bottom of the deck and probably one of the welded raised brackets.

It has a 4x4 post centrally located underneath for added support with aluminum L-angle on the sides. The deck was then screwed into the aluminum brackets using the 1/4 x 20 2.5" stainless screws. I also added the front storage lid. Inside I installed a flat floor with carpeting.

See also:

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