"This is something I wrote in 1971. It is starting to show up in the collectors market. I don't remember the size of the print run, but it was't much. It was the time of the beginning of catch and release, so there were fewer stringer shots.This is still a very deadly way to fish for pike."
- Ron Lindner
"In-Fisherman's Ron Lindner developed a technique many years ago that I still use today for deep water spinner bait angling. He developed two deadly baits called the Lindy Spin and the Squirrel Spin. They were smaller versions of southern spinner baits, but designed for both spinning and bait casting set-ups. He believed that fish would chase his spinner bait if it was pumped up and down in deep water, like a helicopter taking off and landing. He called his technique "flutter fishing." Northern magazines picked up on it and before long, Ron was selling Lindy Spins as fast as he could make them."
- Mike Jackson (1997)