I was recently able to get all the data salvaged off an old computer hard drive that had crashed on me many years ago. Included on that drive were a bunch of old fishing pictures and scans going back anywhere from 10 to 25 years. One set of pics I just came across was of my long time friend and fishing partner, Paul Wineman. Paul passed away Sept. 2005 at the age of 65. Probably our best accomplishent as a team was winning this boat down on Kentucky Lake back in 1997. The bass in the picture featured on the cover of the magazine was a final day fish that easily topped the 6 pound mark, and that put us over the top. I'll see what other old pics I can dig up and post...
Take a Kid Fishing This Summer
Now that the kids are out of school for summer break, be sure and try to make it a point to take them fishing at least once this summer. If you don't have any kids, grab someone elses :) I'm planning to take a couple nieces out this weekend. Received the pic below this week showing a little "girl power." This is Ava proudly showing off a bass she caught while fishing with "Doc" Friedman. Make your kids day - take 'em fishing and then send me the pic. We'll post them up and get them a little PR that they can show off to family and friends.
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