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March 12, 2016


John Mildebrandt

Hi Brian,
Have came across some of your older articles on hair jig fishing and am wondering what kind of hair jigs you are using now and where I can purchase some of them??


Big Indiana Bass

John -

Half the time I use a craft hair jig tied by a local friend for me, but they are very similar to the Punisher Hoss Fly (aspirin head) jig. The other part of the time I am using a bucktail jig, either an Eagle Claw or one of several types tied by Andy's Custom Bass Lures. The Eagle Claws are the least expensive, and I used to buy them through Cabela's, but they no longer carry them, so they are getting harder to come by.

Aaron Davenport

I thought you were using a SI unit? Why did you now choose a DI unit?

Big Indiana Bass

Aaron, I still have the same H'bird SI unit, but it makes it's DI image from the SI transducer. Doesn't have it's own dedicated DI transducer/crystals, and I wasn't happy with the images. So I simply added this to the console next to the other unit. Now use the larger 900 for mapping and 2D and this unit for DI only. DI is great for specifically looking for just fish, especially the crappie and white bass I like chasing.

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