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Man's Best Friend


« Fish Tomorrow, Because Sunday... | Main | Weekend Bass Tourney Results »

March 23, 2013



What tournament was it? That's gotta be close to lake record for five I would think. Nice very nice


Any answer on lake record? Would be curious to know if possible any of our local lake records. Morse,Geist obvious, Eagle, Coon , Cattaract, Waveland, Freeman, Shaffer. Or are these records kept just testing Brian's science and digging ability 5 fish tournament weight. Curious

Big Indiana Bass

Skeeter - This was two tourneys run at the same time, many of the guys fishing both - Angler's Dream and White River Bass Open. As for records, there don't seem to be any specific places where you can find lake records. I do believe the 30 pound sack is a Geist Lake record, though. We think 32 and change is the record at Boggs (2 different people reporting 2 such weights). Waveland is probably ~21 pounds. Raccoon is at least that. The record was probably set in one of the November events. The others - who knows?


Thanks, wonder if there is a way to start tracking. I was wondering about a 7.9 I caught at Waveland back in th Midwest tourney days. If it might have been lake record. Got pictures always burnt though when the guys that don't pay attention you here them next tourney saying our bass was bigger didn't look even five? Yes I even towed that boat in a few tourneys from then still no clue and penalized for time and they beat me then. Anyway thanks again for your time. Hope Jacob does well again and again I'm sure I will see him in the later part of year. Skeeter


I've seen 21at Waveland and believe the November Coon I fish a lot of those. Morse maybe mid 20. Had an 8 fish 27 there so I'm sure it's happened. Hmm wheels are turning now!

Big Indiana Bass

7.9 would not be a lake record at Waveland. I know of at least 2 8+'s that have been caught there in the past. Honestly haven't heard of anything 9 or larger. Know if one reported 11 at Geist, and a 9 or 10 at EC. Know of a 9+ at Morse, and an 11 at Monroe. Not certain about Patoka, but I'd guess about 9 there, too. AT Boggs, there was a 23.5 long and 20.0 girth bass that was never officially weighed, though there were estimates of it being 11 pounds, but I doubt it was that heavy - probably more like 9 pounds.

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