Searches on jon boat livewells continue to be one of the most popular topics that gets people to this site. I've posted a bit of information before about my exact setup and how you can convert most any cooler into a livewell. You can click on the 'Custom Jonboat' category heading on the top left sidebar to see previous posts that relate to that subject.
I have some further information to pass along that falls in line with this topic. As you know I heavily search all other fishing websites of various species, always on the lookout for cool things and new learnings. To get you an idea of just how creative you can get with these jon boat livewells, I thought I'd share a link to one of my favorite sites, Tim 'Doc' Lange's Hooked on Catfish.
In particular, check out how these serious catfish hunters are converting truck bed tool boxes in giant tournament livewells capable of holding over 150 pounds of catfish alive for hours. It's a pretty cool deal!
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