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February 22, 2010



To me it depends on the kind of illegal fish being stocked. I think in most cases here in Minnesota illegal stocking consists of people putting established game/food/bait species into lakes/ponds that either don't have that kind of fish or have a low population of that kind of fish. Frankley I don't see anything wrong with doing this and I don't even think it should be illegal. The government can do it and so can lake associations and fishing groups that get a permit.

If you want smallmouth bass or muskie in a lake you fish often and are willing to catch and transport them from another location nearby, I don't see what business the State has in stopping someone. I think the odds of fish being vectors of disease from lakes or rivers where no fish diseases are known to be present are a neglible risk. Anglers who are paying attention these days are in a good position to know if there is a risk for diseases or not.

Invasive species such as the Goby and rough fish such as carp is another matter.


I have now read the article "Are We Doing All We Can to Stem the Tide of Illegal Fish Stocking?" and I think in the beginning of the article he comes just short of admitting that in the big picture illegal stocking has been more beneficial than harmful.

Also I was shocked to read the responce of British Columbia to the illegal stocking of yellow perch in some lakes. There is a word for the action of the Canadian Governement in this instance and that word is tyranny, plain and simple. I'm sorry but in my world government DOES NOT have the perogative to take that action and deny what I consider to be a fundamental right. Note- Here in Minnesota the right to hunt and fish is Constitutionally protected.

In my view the author of this article is a well intended petty tyrant.

Big Indiana Bass

Interesting thoughts BP -

The biggest issue I've seen in Indiana is the waste of money spent rahabbing a lake that then gets "ruined" again by reintroductions. In our case, several smaller impoundments (<1000 acres) have been drained and rotenoned to remove all carp and gizzard shad as the fisheries had gotten pretty bad. All new gamefish are restocked, then lo and behold, a few years later gizzrds show back up in the lake and the downward spiral sets back in again.

While it hasn't been confirmed in every case, restocking by individuals is the primary suspect in several of the lakes. As such, the hundreds of thousands of dollars it cost to renovate the lake basically just gets tossed down the drain so to speak. In one case there was a reward offered for any information that lead to the conviction of those responsible for the restocking, such was the degree of "unhappiness" with the situation. As I understand they got leads but never enough documentation/evidence to prosecute.

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