Over the past couple years we've covered things like snakeheads and asian carp, all considered invasives. I received a new presentation to share on the site which I have added to the 'Reports' section (lower left sidebar). You can also access it and download at the following link:
Why Should I Care About Invasive Plants
If you live in Central Indiana and are concerned about exotic, invasive plants, you may want to attend a meeting at the Hamilton County 4-H Fairgrounds on March 2nd from 2-3pm. A regional group of conservation professionals (SWCDs, RC&Ds, DNR,etc.) are beginning to establish a cooperative weed management area in Central Indiana. The first steps to establishing this group is to know what is out there, where priorities should be, and what the public knows/cares about. If you want to learn more about aquatic, invasive species, you should make plans to attend this meeting.
For more information, contact Shaena Reinhart with the Hamilton County SWCD.
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