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Man's Best Friend


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April 17, 2009


Rich Ziert

"Snicker" and bless you Josh!

There's no substitute for the truth.


I would love to see Josh as a presenter at a Bass Fishing Techniques type course. Whether you agree with him or not, ya gotta like the fact he speaks his mind. And a colorful mind it is...

Thank you Brian for posting these interviews, and thank you also to those interviewed. Especially the Indiana boys. Interesting and informative stuff. Keep it coming!


Anyone who can pound beers like Josh and still keep their stuff together is a different type of human.

Good article, Brian/Josh. As usual, rich with insight.



Gear ?
A Big Dummy interview and the discussion is about gear?
You'll pay for this missed oportunity Brian ; a biting dog in the boat for you tomorrow.

Josh McDermott


Thanks Brian, you make me sound uhhhh, like ME! I never apologize for being an ass, its just the way I am wired but I am fond of speaking the truth and cutting through all the bullshit thats so prevalent these days.

Im still impressed you found a few pictures of me, those are hard to come by! BTW first smallmouth is a 4 lb 11 ouncer and second is a 4 lb 13 ouncer caught on the same day. 6 hours fishing, 2 bites and worth every minute of snail fishing!

I will confess though, I am the proud owner of 4 brand new Carrot Stix and Im really fond of them. Now dont jump to conclusions, I only paid $100.00 a piece for them and sold 2 Loomis rods and a Shimano to pay for them. Not a penny out of pocket this time, and Im getting really comfy with the flipping rod especially.

Omce again I am honored to be on your site, and I even got a half ass attaboy from BT so I know Im doing good!

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