Seems like fishermen are always looking for a good guide to weed identification. I want to pass along a nice and simple website that you can bookmark for future reference. Lake, Lawn and Pond is a website hosted by the SePRO Corp., distributors of Sonar (fluoridone) and several other commonly used aquatic herbicides. The link above will take you to their weed ID page. Simply click on the class of weed you want to ID (emergent, submergent, algae, etc.) and you'll be taken to a page with all the common varieties of aquatic vegetation in easy to decipher pictures. Feel free to also browse other sections of the website while there for some great information.
One thing I do want to specifically mention though. One of the biggest "mistakes" I see anglers make all the time is believing their lake is turning over every spring when they find all kinds of floating chunks of stuff on the waters surface. This typically occurs with water temps in the upper 50's to low 60's, but can vary from lake to lake. What you are seeing is not the result of a spring turnover, but a unique characteristic of a type of algae. Check out the pictures and description of Pithophora algae. This is what you are seeing, and it has nothing to do with your lake turning over.