Practice here at Beaver Lake is now finished and we're off to clean up, rest up, rig up, and spend time with 8th graders in Rogers, AR on Wednesday.
Practice saw some pretty tough fishing conditions, with strong north winds the first two days and a strong south wind on day three. We appear to be in between spawning waves, and there are a lot of ways to catch fish right now although many of them are small and non-keepers. I have no history here, but the fishing seems tough even for Beaver. Unless something changes, I definitely don't think the weights will be at the high end of the spectrum for Beaver. 8-12#/day will do just fine, but it's not easy.
Spotted bass only have to be 12" to be a legal keeper, but those may not even weigh a pound. Largemouth, smallmouth, and meanmouth must all be 15", but they're going to weigh a lot more and those bites will be key in moving up the leaderboard. I feel good about this event....about as good as a guy could feel about a tough lake. I'd love to grind out a Top 50 here on move on to the 2nd half of the season on some power fishing venues and a shot at Kentucky Lake.
Our time with about 100 eighth-graders was spent dealing with bullying during a retreat that brought students in from various middle schools around Rogers. It was certainly an eye-opening experience to get inside the minds of 13-15 year olds in today's world. My boys are 5 and 7 now, and it will only be a few short years away before we'll be dealing with these same issues in our household. During several large and small group exercises, it became very clear that there are some unspoken social structures in our schools. While we may think of bullying as a violent type of behavior, I'm learning that it can be as subtle as the "popular" group of kids making the "unpopular" group of kids feel inferior, unworthy, or unloved.
Folks, if you have kids, neighbors, relatives that are in their teens, please take time to spend with them to talk with them about this. Let them know that they are each children of God, whom He loves richly despite their faults and shortcomings. Let them know that they have a choice in what they believe about themselves and their worthiness. Let them know you love them.
Day 1 begins tomorrow. Pre-tournament meeting, a trip to the service trailer to repair a damaged transducer, and tackle prep are on the agenda for the afternoon.
Thanks for the prayers and well-wishes this week!