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Man's Best Friend


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July 07, 2008


Paul Roberts


You had me going there! Now that was funny.

Richard Ziert

Glad to see you know the diff between hype and the other material you publish. Most folks don't have the foggiest idea of what it takes to fish for big-big bass. They buy the fluff, and are not in tune, are not ready to put the effort in gear. I think the big bass are safe. . . even from me.


Big Indiana Bass

They're certainly safe from me also. I've really come to realize over the past couple years that my personality and mindset just don't lend themselves to big bass chasing for any length of time. Like most, I'd like the quick and easy answer to catching big bass, but there is very little opportunity in that line of thinking. For most, the best potential lies in untapped/unpressured waters, which around here means isolated/private or relatively overlooked small bodies of water (ponds/pits/retention basins). Beyond that, it truly requires a level of patience and dedication I'm not willing to give in to yet. So I take the big girls as they come right now, which at this point is largely a game of chance.

I'm still holding out some hope though that there is a "happy medium" of above average quality bass available in most waters if enough of the algebraic pieces are known/understood. At some point I can then solve for the unknowns and hopefully get a working answer, even if the math isn't perfect or pretty.

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